Sunday, September 25, 2011


As you've been seeing, a lot of stuff are now on the FamousSicle. This is just a little flahback blog so don't give it too many views. The real stuff is on and!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For all you people who are not updated

Hi world! I have a great new blog URL!
"Oh Lily! What do you mean by pop lilac? Popping lilacs like they do in popcorn?"
"Oh Lily! What do you mean by lilac? Are you naming something after a *beeep* flower?!"
"Oh Lily! Are you so conceited that you name a blog after your username after flowers?"
"Oh Lily! Are you dumb?! It's CATS, NOT LILACS!"
Oh so you people don't know what LILAC stands for? Now go visit poplilacs and...uh...go feed my fish or something! Yeah!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hey fans!
I can have a short term memory at bad times. Like right now, I finished uploading Orange-Sicle 3 and promised myself I would put it up...but NOOOOOO....I'm on my laptop and I designed my animation on another personal computer I own. If I go downstairs and turn on my computer I'll be in a big lecture. You know, it will bother their candyland dream. Right before they get a chomp on malt balls I bother them...heh...

Any-way, the point is that I am completely forgetful and that sometimes I may forget to put up uploaded videos up here. If I remember afterschool (there is always a big jumble near dissmisal), then I can put up the video.  Also, I can make a logo based on Blackey's head for FAMOUS-SICLE (School's top choice, dunno why). Then probably a Tabbi head with snow falling on her head for MELTCHOCO.Partner-ship

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Amusing news article (AKA POST) at

Upcoming Winter

Because of Winter, we have opened a new site you can migrate to and have a hot cup of cocoa! Yes, animations will be coming from there. Epecially on Christmas. If I don't get lazy. Mehehehe.